Specializing in treating infant disability, including cerebral palsy, and Prader–Willi syndrome, Peter offers personalized one-to-one virtual physical therapy.
With over 45 years of experience, we’ve seen remarkable results in children defying medical prognosis, achieving motor milestones through Therapeutic Play.
If you suspect your child is affected by developmental delay, schedule a free virtual consultation with Peter using the button below.
Inspiring Journeys: Testimonials from Our Developmental Delay Clinic
“Ena was born with cerebral palsy the doctors diagnosis was that she would need a wheelchair, but now instead she enjoys running at kindergarten”.
– Nana, Japan
“I cannot express how grateful we are that we were introduced to Peter in these very early months… He has shown pure kindness, support, guidance and knowledge from the day we first spoke to him”.
– Amie, UK
“Lennie’s head control has improved drastically. If your little one struggles with holding their head up, I would definitely recommend Peter – he is amazing”.
– Candice, UK
Contact us for a free online consultation!
The Babies Website
Get in touch to find out more about our teacher training courses or to schedule a free online consultation with our Virtual Developmental Delay Clinic.
Links to Our services
Developmental Baby Massage Teacher Training Course
Connect with us
Email Peter directly or follow us on social media using the links below!